Friday, March 29, 2013

Cilantro and Coconut Vinaigrette - Quite possibly the only vinaigrette recipe you'll ever need.

So between not working at the moment and living in the slow pace of island life we have been doing quite a bit of home cooking. A couple weeks ago I came up with this tasty vinaigrette recipe. As much as the chef in me loves making complex vinaigrettes with complex flavors I also really enjoy a nice simple one that still packs a flavor punch! This is a simple 6 ingredient recipe that is easy to make and boasts plenty of tropical flavor.

Cilantro and Coconut Vinaigrette


1/2 cup of rice wine vinegar (or vinegar of your choice---apple cider vinegar works well too!)
1 heaping tablespoon of chopped cilantro
3 large diced garlic cloves
2 tablespoons of finely diced sweet onion
1/2 cup of pure, unrefined, cold pressed coconut oil  (it melts where we live on it's own but if it's solid where you are, melt and allow to cool without solidifying before adding)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

Simply combine all of these ingredients in a jar and shake well to 
Puerto Rican Salsa Music!
Store in fridge and remove 10 minutes before using to let the coconut oil loosen up. 
A quick zap and shake from the microwave will work too.

This recipe has been "Juni Approved" as sugar detox and Paleo friendly.


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